How To Fix Windows Update Error 66a (NET Framework Update Error)


Windows Update Error 66a is a problem that’s caused by the way in which your system will not be able to access the files and options which will allow your system to update its files / settings. The 66a update error will most commonly show when you try and update .NET framework, and is a problem which can be resolved relatively easily if you’re able to control the .NET framework of your system.

What Causes Windows Update Error 66a?

This error is caused by the way in which your system will not be able to process the installer files that your PC will be using to run. This will likely have roots deep within the .NET / Microsoft application – and is going to be caused by the way in which your system will not be able to run as smoothly as possible. If you want to fix the Windows Update 66a error, you have to first clean out any of the problems that Windows could have, as well as make sure that your system is able to repair the various problems that your system has inside.

How To Fix Windows Update Error 66a

The first step to fix the Windows Update 66a error is to first ensure that the .NET framework installer is working correctly. This can be done by clicking onto the system and then letting your PC repair the various problems that will ensure it’s able to operate as smoothly as possible. You can do this by repairing the current .NET installation, as follows:

  • Click Start > Control Panel > Programs & Features
  • Scroll to “Microsoft.NET Client Profile”
  • Right click
  • Select “Repair”
  • This process will take up to 10 minutes
  • When the process is complete, update.NET again

After that, we recommend cleaning out the registry of your PC. This is a database which stores important options & settings for your system, allowing your computer to process the settings and options which will ensure your PC’s able to run as smoothly as possible. We’ve found that the registry is one of the biggest causes of problems for the Windows Update 66a error, and as a result its highly recommended you use a registry cleaner program to scan through your system and fix any of the problems that may be in there. Our preferred registry repair tool is one called Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0, as this will be able to fix the most problems that your system will have with this part of your system.

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